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Transforming Chile's new remuneration right into royalties for audiovisual creators
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CISAC discusses collective management with Greek government
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Private copying and buyouts among highlights in latest CISAC Latin America and the Caribbean Newsletter
- Society news
Release of the book "The author exists. Author’s Rights applied by the STJ during the 80 years of UBC" at the Espaço Cultural do Superior Tribunal de Justiça brings together Brazilian authorities and personalities
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Event Invitation : Audiovisual authors’ rights in Europe and Latin America. 1st March
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GEMA and CISAC hold "Music meets Politics" event on streaming for authors
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Global music creators’ community pays tribute to Jörg Evers
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CIAM forum shares top tips for getting the most out of TikTok for music creators
- Society news
Koda signs agreement for new technological platform