Promoting Gender Equality
Women@CISAC has been advancing gender equality across the creative and cultural industry through research, raising awareness and providing recommendations to CISAC members to increase inclusion.
In 2019, CISAC unveiled its first ever survey on gender equality during the inaugural Women@CISAC congress in Lisbon, Portugal. The congress provided guidelines for future actions to progress equality and inclusion among authors’ societies. The event also drew attention to how to remove gender barriers, how to provide mentorship opportunities, and training programmes within societies.
The 2019 survey, with 66 member societies responding, determined that women make up 55% of society employees but only 22% of members and 26% of board members. Only 63% of societies had undertaken gender equality measures. Two added quotas to statutes to enforce a fairer representation. 82% of societies expressed a desire to take part in Women@CISAC.
Work is underway to further the recommendations and to develop a code of conduct.
Find out more about gender equality activities here.