Board of Directors

The current Board of Directors was elected by the General Assembly in June 2022 to serve a three-year term. The Board consists of the following representatives from CISAC’s member societies (as of June 2024).


Marcelo Castello Branco

Board Chair

UBC - Brazil


Jennifer Brown


SOCAN - Canada


Patrick Raude


SACD - France


Dean Ormston

APRA - Australasia


András Szinger

ARTISJUS - Hungary


Elizabeth Matthews



Dalal Mhamdi Alaoui

BMDA - Morocco


Ricardo Gómez Cabaleiro

DAMA - Spain


Tobias Holzmüller

GEMA - Germany


Kazumasa Izawa

JASRAC - Japan


Ga Yeoul Chu

KOMCA - Republic of Korea


Andrea C. Martin

PRS for Music - UK


Cécile Rap-Veber 

SACEM - France


Roberto Cantoral Zucchi

SACM - Mexico


Guillermo Ocampo

SADAIC - Argentina


Annabell LEBETHE

SAMRO - South Africa


Matteo Fedeli

SIAE - Italy


Javier Gutiérrez Vicén

VEGAP - Spain


Urban Pappi


Board Composition and Functions

The Board is composed of up to 20 directors who are elected for a three-year term and who are collectively representative of all the regions and artistic repertoires within CISAC. The Board is headed by a Chair and two Vice-Chairs elected by its members, for a period equal to its mandate and renewable for re-election once.

The second highest statutory executive body of CISAC, the Board acts in the name and interests of CISAC and has the following key responsibilities:

  • Authorising any action or transaction falling within CISAC’s Purposes (authorised remit)
  • Taking any necessary decision as occasion demands
  • Acquiring and disposing of any equipment and real property
  • Creating and developing CIS for the purpose of improving the effective management of copyright
  • Seeking means of achieving solidarity between Societies
  • Appointing technical committees and determining their Internal Rules, objects and duties in accordance with the purposes of CISAC
  • Submitting to each General Assembly an annual Board Report in respect of the immediately preceding Calendar Year
  • Submitting to each General Assembly the Accounts in respect of the immediately preceding Calendar Year
  • Submitting to the General Assembly proposals for the election of the President and the Vice President(s)
  • Requiring any Member or Provisional that has a reciprocal representation contract (“Reciprocal Contract”) with another Member or Provisional to enter data into the relevant CIS subsystem using current CIS standards
  • Examining the possible admittance to CISAC of a Society and advising the General Assembly in relation to such possible admittance
  • Appointing and dismissing the Director General
  • Administering the Income of CISAC; and
  • Authorising expenditure of Additional Voluntary Contributions.

Decision-Making Power

The Board has wide decision-making power but is accountable to the General Assembly.

Frequency of Meetings

The Board generally meets three times a year; under CISAC’s Statutes, it is required to meet at least twice a year.

General Assembly

The General Assembly (GA) is the highest executive body and decision-making authority. The GA is composed of CISAC Members, Provisionals and Associates. The GA meets once a year, in early June and is attended by society heads, senior staff and creators from scores of countries.

The GA is responsible for:

  • Electing the Presidency and Board of Directors
  • Approving accounts, financial reports, and the activities of the Director General
  • Considering membership applications, sanctions, resignations, and Statute amendments

For more details of the General Assembly read more here.

For details of the 2024 General Assembly see here.


Creators Councils

CISAC also collaborates closely with its affiliate Creators Councils. Read more here.

CISAC Committees

CISAC works with committees and working groups to ensure that its works on collective management of rights are based on the view of experts, the rules of good governance and the voice of creators.  

There are four key committee groups, including: 


Technical Committees 

Regional Committees

International Creators' Council

Executive Governance Committee (EGC)

Legal and Policy Committee (LPC)

Communications Expert Group (CEG)

Internal Audit Committee (IAC)

Information Service Committee (ISC)

Music Repertoire Group (MRG)

Visual Arts Repertoire Group (VARG)

Dramatic, Literary and Audiovisual Repertoire Group (DLVRG)

Regional African Committee (CAF)

Regional Asia-Pacific Committee (CAP)

Regional European Committee (EC)

Regional Latin American and Caribbean Committee (CLC)





The work of CISAC Committees

For a summary of the mission of each CISAC Committee, click read more.

Communications Experts Group (CEG)

The CEG supports CISAC communications and public affairs as well as the GPC in implementing their decisions on communications priorities, and defines the strategy for campaigns.

Executive Governance Committee (EGC)

The EGC is concerned with financial, governance and membership matters. It also defines and guides the Board of Director’s agenda.

Legal Policy Committee (LPC)

The LPC makes international policy recommendations to the Board, including lobbying, advocacy and cooperation with other organisations. It is also an advisory body on authors’ rights & copyright and collective management issues and litigation for CISAC members.

Internal Audit Committee (IAC)

The IAC provides a summary of financial reporting and internal controls for the GA.

Regional Committees

Four regional committees, one for each CISAC region, represents specific issues within their geographical area. They coordinate CISAC regional activities, assist in establishing infrastructure for society operations, and provide assistance to member societies and creators.