CISAC is delighted to welcome new societies to its expanding global network.
As a first step, as required under Article 16 of CISAC’s Statutes, any society wishing to become a CISAC member is invited to submit its completed membership application form, along with the supporting documentation, to the CISAC Secretariat. The complete application should be submitted by December 31st, in order to ensure that the application can be processed by the Secretariat and voted by the CISAC General Assembly of the following year.
CISAC undertakes to review and assess each new membership application impartially and objectively. All applications are judged against the same established criteria.
The General Assembly held annually in June, after considering the advice of the Board in relation to each application, shall admit the applicant as a Provisional or Associate member or reject the membership application.
For more information, and to obtain the relevant application forms, please contact us.
Please note that, by virtue of the CISAC Statutes, individual creators and publishers cannot become CISAC members.