AV Remuneration Study
In many countries, these creators do not have this right enshrined in the law and so are unable to share in the commercial success of their films and TV programmes. Instead, they often have to sign over their rights to producers with whom they have little or no power to negotiate.
Commissioned by CISAC and Writers & Directors Worldwide (W&DW), the AV Remuneration Study is the first-ever comprehensive examination of global legislation to support reforms bringing fair payment to audiovisual authors. It is supported by the Society of Audiovisual Authors (SAA).
Written by copyright law specialist and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Intellectual Property Chair Professor, Raquel Xalabarder, the study recommends an international legal framework for introducing an unwaivable and inalienable remuneration right for audiovisual authors. The study provides a clear legislative blueprint for decision makers to ensure all audiovisual authors benefit equally, regardless of their country of origin or of audiovisual production.