The world-beating creative repertoires of the Africa region make it a region of enormous potential. Progress and revenue growth in the region have been possible despite weak copyright enforcement and a challenging licensing environment. COVID-19 has had a disastrous impact on the sector in Africa.

CISAC has 30 member societies in Africa as of May 2024.  This region currently comprises 13% of our global membership.  In Africa, 29  authors societies focus primarily on the management of rights in musical works, and 1 on audiovisual.

Societies and creators in Africa are seeing some of the most dramatic losses in royalty collections resulting from COVID-19 in 2020. This follows a year of modest growth in 2019, with collections by CISAC's 37 Africa member societies rising 1.1% to reach EUR79.3m.

Regional Office

CISAC's Regional Director for Africa is Mr Samuel Sangwa

CISAC - African Regional Office
20 bd du Parc
92200 Neuilly sur Seine