Binding Resolutions
The Binding Resolutions are a set of technical criteria that pertain to the documentation and distribution operations of our member societies. They complement the key principles of the Professional Rules and aim to maximize the accuracy and efficiency of royalty distribution to rights holders.
The Binding Resolutions deal with:
- The use of international standards (e.g. IPI, ISWC) to ensure the prompt identification of rights holders
- The use of the systems and tools to share documentation of works, such as the CIS-Net network for musical societies or IDA for audiovisual societies
- Specific distribution rules in the case of unidentified uses or works with incomplete documentation
The Binding Resolutions have been progressively rolled out to the whole CISAC membership, according to the following timetable: June 2010 for Audiovisual societies; June 2011 for Music (MU) and Visual Arts (AGP) societies; June 2012 for Literary societies; June 2014 for Drama societies.
Amongst lesser-developed authors’ societies, only societies from the audiovisual and dramatic repertoires have yet to complete the compliance process, by 2015 and 2016 respectively.
Binding Resolutions for Musical Societies
Binding Resolutions for Dramatic, Literary and Audiovisual Societies
Binding Resolutions for Graphic, Plastic and Photographic Arts Societies