Studies and Surveys
Women@CISAC conducts unique research on gender equality within the creative and cultural sector. Combining these results with data generated by CISAC member societies gives an ever-broadening set of analysis upon which to steer corrective strategies.
Listed below are the key highlights from studies and surveys in this field along with links to the source data where applicable.
Woman@CISAC 2019 Study
The goal of this initial study was to gain a more accurate understanding of the situation and needs of CISAC membership on gender equity. Launched in 2019, the study aimed to quantify the proportion of women members, executives and creators today, while gathering suggestions and empirical results gleaned from other initiatives.
Of the 237 CISAC member societies surveyed, 66 replied representing one third of the total membership. The data showed the following headline percentages:
- 55% of women employees
- 22% of women members
- 26% of women on CMOs boards
- 20% of female artists in licensing income
- 63% of societies have undertaken gender equality measures
- 82% of societies would like to actively participate in Women@CISAC
More specifically within the individual repertoires:
- The visual arts repertoire has the most women employees at 80%, followed by audiovisual (71%) and music (53%)
- Visual arts lead in terms of percentage of women members with 44%, audiovisual (34%) and music (18%)
- Literary and visual arts have 41% of their boards composed by women, compared to 33% for audiovisual societies and 21% for music societies
Read more in the inaugural Women@CISAC congress report.
Directors UK – “Who’s Calling the Shots”
In 2014, Directors UK issued its first ever report on female directorial representation in UK television production. Four years on and a number of industry equality and inclusion initiatives later, the “Who’s Calling the Shots” study was updated to clarify whether women are directing more TV and whether the nature of the work they are doing has changed.
Key highlights for UK television production included:
- 33.1% women in the workforce
- 25.0% of TV episodes directed by women
- This represents a 2.98% decrease in three years
- 9.8% decrease in factual TV episodes directed by women
- 4.5% decrease in children’s TV episodes directed by women