Private Copying Remuneration
Private copying remunerations are a vital source of income for creators and rightsholders across the world. Yet they have an even greater potential if adequate legislation, proper application of the law and effective collection mechanisms are implemented. The importance of private copying remuneration is increasing in the face of widespread copying on digital media and the growing popularity of mobile devices with large storage capacities.
These levies are particularly important in developing countries, where weak author’s rights/ copyright environment and physical formats are dominant.
In many countries, creators do not get paid for private copying of their works where they should, due to a lack of legal framework or poor implementation of existing laws. Addressing these discrepancies would increase payments to rightsholders.
CISAC is working to improve legislation and enforcement of private copying. The 2020 Private Copying Global Study is the most complete and authoritative analysis to date of private copying systems around the world. Released in November 2020, the study examines the laws of 194 countries on 5 continents. This study aims to give a comprehensive overview of the different private copying systems existing around the world, facilitate evidence-based decision-making and provide an update of important developments in the private copying law and practices of countries that have or do not yet have such systems in place. It highlights the true potential of this important source of income for creators.
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