Serving Creators Worldwide
CISAC is the world's largest network in the creative sector, with 227 societies in 116 countries.
CISAC's mission
A global voice to policy makers, to promote and protect authors’ rights across all repertoires
A global support to authors’ societies, through business tools and services
A global information authority, providing knowledge about the collective management system
CISAC news
- Society news
CISAC member audiovisual society ATN and Netflix sign historic agreement ensuring fair compensation for audiovisual creators
- Articles
CISAC Director General delivers the Sir Hugh Laddie Lecture on AI and the collective management of rights
- News Releases
SGAE distributes 354 million euros among more than 83,000 members and administered rights holders in 2023
CISAC Resources and Services
CISAC's mission is to serve creators around the world. We support our members' licenses and collections, help ensure fair remuneration for creators, and provide an international center of knowledge and expertise to authors' societies around the world. CISAC has over 220 member societies in more than 110 countries in all regions of the world. It serves more than 5 million creators in five repertoires: music, audiovisual, theater, visual arts and literature.