Ousmane Sow Resale Right Award carries the message of fairness for visual artists

20 May - CISAC has joined up with the Dakar Biennal and the Government of Senegal to launch the inaugural Ousmane Sow Resale Right Award, which was awarded on 19 May in the presence of the Senegal President Macky Sall.
The award, honouring CISAC’s former Vice-President, sculptor Ousmane Sow, celebrates artistic and aesthetic work while focussing attention on the resale right for visual artists and the importance of collective management societies across the Africa region.
The artists’ resale right, granting artists a share of the proceeds when their works are re-sold by art market professionals, is a key global priority for CISAC. The right allows artists to maintain a long-term association with their works and share fairly in the commercial success achieved after the first sale by the artist.
The Dakar Biennal (Dak’Art) is the pre-eminent contemporary arts festival in the Africa region. The award seeks to sustain the call of Ousmane Sow, a former ADAGP member and CISAC Vice President from 2012 to 2016. The award will be celebrated every two years during each edition of the Dakar Biennal.
CISAC plays a leading role in the global campaign in the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for universal implementation of the artists’ resale right. Currently around 80 countries have implemented the right at national level. Senegal, along with Congo, is leading the international campaign within the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR).
In his speech following the presentation of the award to the Senegalese artist Abdoulaye Ka, President Sall said: “The sustainability of the art industry requires a conducive environment. Enforcement of intellectual property is one the recommendations which my government will follow up on.”
Award winner Abdoulaye Ka said: “I would like to share this Prize with all young creators across Africa. It's high time we get recognised and remunerated for our creativity.”
CISAC Regional Director for Africa Samuel Sangwa, attending the presentation, said: “The implementation of the resale right is the next step we need to engage with policymakers, creators and users in Africa. This is about more respect and fairness for artists, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
For more information on the Visual Artists’ Resale Right see here.