African collective management solidifies united strategy at CISAC Regional African Committee Executive Committee in Praia
The African copyright landscape is a complex web comprised of public and private collective management organisations. Africa is one of the most promising territories for creators with collections growing 11.4% according to the 2018 CISAC Global Collections Report. In recent years, private copying and new licensing deals have boosted collections for creators. On January 29th and 30th, the CISAC Regional African Committee Executive Committee (CECAF) united in Praia to review and identify areas to improve collective management in the region. The meetings were organised and hosted by the Cape Verdean Music Society (SCM).
The Executive Committee reviewed progress on setting up a common digital licensing platform in Africa in addition to setting up a working group to handle matters related to licensing broadcasters, including satellite and reciprocal agreements.
CECAF established that September 14th, 2019 will be the next Africa Copyright and Collective Management Day, following a successful inaugural 2018 edition that had participants from over 20 CISAC member societies.
The CECAF meeting came just after a joint meeting with the International Council of Music Creators’ (CIAM) Executive Committee. The event allowed the entities to inform on synergies to be elaborated on between authors alliances such as PACSA and APASER on one side and CMOs on the other.