Sacem and GEMA unveil results of study on the impact of artificial intelligence in music

Sacem (France’s Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music) and GEMA (Germany’s Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music), have joined forces to commission the world’s first study of the impact generative artificial intelligence is having on the music and creative sector.
The study, conducted by Goldmedia provides an in-depth analysis of the opportunities and challenges associated with the use of AI in the music business. It is based on a market analysis, interviews with experts, and a survey of over 15,000 creators and publishers who are members of Sacem or GEMA. The initiative marks a necessary milestone to face the rapid evolution of the technology and respond to the pressing need for Franco-German creators and publishers to understand the implications of AI. Since it burst onto the scene at the end of 2022, generative AI has seen spectacular growth. Goldmedia’s analysis predicts that the market for generative AI in music will reach more than $3 billion by 2028.
Creators have to face two issues:
- Ensuring their fair remuneration when their works are used by IA training databases to create music content that makes money for entities that are marketing it.
- Protecting their own income in a digital environment in which streaming services risk being drowned out by AI-generated music content.
For many music creators, traditional revenues are already coming under pressure from generative AI. The study estimates that 27% of authors’ and creators’ revenue is at risk in the medium term. This would represent a cumulative revenue loss of 2.7 billion euros for Sacem and GEMA members by 2028. Creators surveyed share the same concern, with 71% believing that AI will deprive them of their income and threaten their future.
AI: a new creative lever?
The study reveals that 35% of creators surveyed have already used AI in their work, a figure that rises to 51% among those under 35. The study showed that despite the growing use of AI, musicindustry creatives are wary. Most respondents (64%) believe that the risks associated with its use outweigh the opportunities.
These fears expressed by creators underscore the need for robust regulation to protect copyright.
95% of music creators and publishers are calling for greater transparency from companies developing AI tools. 93% want policymakers to attach greater importance to the challenges of AI and copyright.
These expectations on the part of creators and publishers echo the commitments made by Sacem and GEMA to put creators and publishers back at the heart of discussions with AI companies and to adapt the legal framework.
Sacem and GEMA hope this groundbreaking study will enlighten public debate on the impact of AI in the music sector, and give voice to creators’ concerns and expectations about the future of their métiers. At the heart of a rapidly changing musical environment, the two collecting societies are determined to play an active and decisive role in defending the interests of their members.
Cécile Rap-Veber, CEO of Sacem: “Artificial intelligence is already present in the daily lives of creators, and in Sacem's activities. We are actively working with industry players to put in place technical solutions to identify AI-generated content. So it's not a question of slowing down your activity, but of making it virtuous. The figures in the study show that the estimated damage could be considerable for creators. By exercising our right to opt out, we hope to establish a transparent and fair relationship between creators and AI companies. As part of the finalisation of the European regulation on AI, we call on the French and German governments not to oppose the implementation of effective transparency requirements for generative AI companies.”
Dr. Tobias Holzmüller, CEO of GEMA: “Generative AI is changing creative processes and is already being used as a tool by many music creators. The rapid development of this technology offers enormous economic potential. This is confirmed by the results of the Goldmedia study. The works created by authors are the basis for this revolution. Nevertheless, from the perspective of many music creators, the risks so far outweigh the opportunities. This can only change if we now shape the overall conditions in such a way that everyone involved can participate appropriately in the success of this development. Authors need transparency and control over the use of their works. But most importantly, they need a fair share of the revenues, which will increase tenfold in the field of generative AI by 2028. Goldmedia's study is intended to advance this important discussion."
Prof. Dr. Klaus Goldhammer, Managing Director Goldmedia: “Goldmedia has conducted, on behalf of GEMA and Sacem, the first comprehensive study on ‘AI and Music’ in Germany and France. We’ve been overwhelmed by the extensive participation from members of both associations. The more than 15,000 responses to our survey are a testament to how much the theme of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ is becoming a burning issue for music creators. The results are a clear pointer showing that Artificial Intelligence is already a reality for many creatives in today’s music sector. 35% of those
questioned are already using AI in a wide variety of areas when it comes to creating music. However, the new technologies are also fuelling anxiety: 71% worry that generative AI in particular could contribute to music creators no longer being able to make a living from their work in the future. With this analysis, we’re therefore laying the groundwork and at the same time providing a key contribution for further discussion, including in the context of policymaking.”
Note to media
The full study and other press materials can be downloaded from our media centre at
About Sacem: In a constantly changing environment, Sacem is committed to creating ever more value for the 210,800 authors, composers and publishers who have chosen it to manage their authors’ rights. Thanks to its territorial network, its technological expertise, its ability to innovate and negotiate agreements with all digital platforms, and its unique social and solidarity-based model, Sacem has become one of the world leaders in collective management and in particular in the digital environment. Thus, it collects royalties from streaming platforms in nearly 200 territories on behalf of its members: fifty international publishers (Universal Music Publishing, Wixen Music Publishing, etc.) and foreign collective management organizations (Socan, Komca, Ascap, Artisjus.).
About GEMA: In Germany, GEMA represents the copyright of more than 90,000 members (composers, lyricists and music publishers), and more than two million copyright owners from all over the world. It is one of the largest societies for creators of musical works in the world.
About Goldmedia: Goldmedia stands for data-driven expertise and evidence-based decision-making. Goldmedia has been supporting companies and public sector clients as a consulting and research group since 1998. With well-founded data analyses and market studies, Goldmedia offers its clients valuable insights and strategic orientation. The company specialises in the media and entertainment industry, the cultural and creative industries and the information and telecommunications sector.
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