MÜST Songwriting Camp, supported by CISAC, returns this September to Taipei

2019 camp
The 2023 MÜST International Songwriting Camp welcomes the songwriters to work together again in Taipei this September 10th to 15th.
MÜST affords the accommodation and meals during the camp and online registration opens until June 15.
2023 teaser: https://youtu.be/UOC1xgSjo7Y
Online registration: http://songwritingcamp.must.org.tw:8080/MUST/CAMP/CAMP02.jsp
All registrations will be processed on a qualification selection basis, based on the applicant’s specialization. The final list of participants will be announced on the camp website and MÜST Facebook page.
*The 2019 camp produced 74 songs by 71 participants from 9 regions
*The 2020 camp (online) produced 19 songs by 67 participants from 9 regions

2020 online songwriting camp