CISAC European Committee wraps up in Athens

CISAC’s European Committee has wrapped up in Athens after two days of strategy coordination and best practice exchange on issues across the CISAC collective management agenda.
Huge thanks to our hosts at ΑΥΤΟΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΗ / AUTODIA, whose CEO and Board Chair Margarita Panagiotopoulou and Yiannis Glezos highlighted the society’s growing success in a unique collaboration with the CISAC community.
With 150 attendees, this was CISAC’s best-attended European Committee – a sign of the engagement of this community in defending creators’ rights at a time of radical change.
Thank you also to the Greek Minister and Deputy Ministers of Culture, Lina Mendoni and Christos Dimas for their strong words of support for the collective management of rights community.

Right photo: Panel on Technological initiatives for improving collective management efficiencies. Panellists: CISAC projects: Sylvain Piat, Caroline Champarnaud (SACEM), GDSDX: Manami Suko (JASRAC), MESAM/MSG technical co-operation: Ali Haydar Yildiz (MESAM), IDA matching tool: Geraldine Loulergue (SACD)