Copyright laws improved in Mongolia, CISAC member MOSCAP acquires government license (sólo en inglés)

Through the year 2020-2021, Mongolia has significantly modernized its legal mechanism for protecting and regulating intellectual property and copyrights. A new Intellectual Property Law was approved in December 2020, the existing Copyrights Law was re-enacted in a new, extended edition in May 2021, and a number of amendments were made to other relevant laws.
These legal changes were supported by the four new regulations concerning the procedures for registering and licensing collective management organizations and intellectual property brokers, and the work of the newly formed Copyrights Council. The updated legal system now includes tighter requirements for operations and governance of CMOs and new criteria for the licensing of CMOs by the Government.
Established in 2011 under article 27 of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights of Mongolia, the Mongolian Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers ( strives to promote the fundamental principle that music creators' rights come first before all else. In July 2021, MOSCAP applied for the renewal of its royalty collecting license under the new legal requirements and criteria.
After meeting the legal conditions such as MOSCAP’s operational transparency, good governance and professional/staff capacity, MOSCAP in August 2021 became the first CMO to get its license through entering into the “Cooperation Agreement” with the government agency - Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia ( recognition of the MOSCAP’s work gives much reassurance to its members and to Mongolian artistic creators.